Hi, we’re Ginger and Mark Falcone.
We’re so glad you’re here. No matter what circumstances have led you to this page, you’re welcome here and you’re not alone.
We love our lives, and we’re grateful for the abundant gifts that bless us each and every day. But, it hasn’t always been this way. Our approach has been 16 years in the making and developed organically out of our own personal journeys of growth, healing, and transformation.
I, Ginger, will be the narrator of this story, which begins in 2006. Mark and I came together during some of the darkest days of our lives…
Here’s Mark’s description of that time:
“I had hit rock bottom, having struggled for decades trying to cope with symptoms of childhood trauma. I was hypervigilant; living my life in fight or flight mode and was unable to relax long enough to discern what I needed. I had spent my life avoiding conflict, people pleasing, and sacrificing my own needs in order to avoid feelings of unworthiness. I was suffering from food cravings, emotional eating, weight gain, eczema, brain fog, chronic lower back pain, adrenal fatigue, IBS, and debilitating migraines. I was in the middle of a divorce from my first wife while trying to be available for my two children. I was burned out after a long and physically demanding career in construction and was exhausted and deeply depressed. I was broke, in debt, living with my Mother and trying to figure out what I was going to do next. I was at a crossroads and I had some big decisions to make.”
During the same time, I was a licensed therapist working as an in-home crisis counselor while trying to build my private practice. I was on the verge of burnout after years of coping with my own life-long mental and physical health issues. I struggled with food sensitivities and addiction, ADHD, migraines, digestive issues, back pain, anxiety and depression, complex trauma, and PTSD. I was suffering with nightmares and insomnia while dragging myself out of bed and dreading the work day ahead. I was miserable and felt powerless to change things. I had convinced myself that a degree in psychology and a career in mental health would give me everything I needed to thrive and be of service to others. I was watching my entrepreneurial dreams disintegrate before my eyes, but I had to keep going. I’d worked too long and hard to give up.
Mark and I spent a year or so in survival mode. We coped with our difficulties, pooling our shared misery, and just kept going, but things were getting worse. Finally, after pushing too hard for too long, I hit a wall and completely burned out. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, my food addiction had me by the throat, and I was suffering from severe chronic fatigue and mental health symptoms. I felt like I was drowning and I could barely get out of bed. I came to the hard realization that, even after all my training, I didn’t have the skills I needed to meet my needs. It was time to change course. With Mark’s blessing and support, I quit my job, closed my practice, and started over.
It was a new beginning for both of us. Mark had his eye on a career change. He got a job in construction sales and began studying and training to be a life coach. I found a therapist who specialized in a unique approach to hypnotherapy designed to access the unconscious mind and connect with and receive guidance directly from the soul.
After two and a half years, I emerged completely changed, having begun the deepest work of my life. The experience had introduced me to the unconscious mind, brought me face to face with my unresolved trauma, and awakened my intuitive gifts. I was ready to continue the work on my own, and I stayed on the path toward exploring the depths of my unconscious and healing my trauma.
This was a challenging time, and the trauma work was consuming. I was up and down, processing deeply, and barely functional at times. Mark was my rock and my champion. He supported us financially, and cheered me on, while I worked relentlessly; mining the depths of my psyche, step by step, piecing myself back together again. The work seemed endless, and there were times I wanted to give up.
Mark saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself, and he describes it like this:
“I would hear Ginger say, “there has to be a better way; a faster, more efficient way to heal.” I could see this far away vision for the future. It was an overwhelming feeling and a deep knowing that was almost out of my control; like higher guidance telling me I was meant to help bring something into the world. It felt like a calling, and it was my job to make sure Ginger was taken care of until it came to fruition.”
I was in the depths of my healing process when I began to discover that, not only could I work with my own psyche in this way; I could also intuitively connect with the unconscious minds of others. This was the beginning of what Mark had been sensing all along. And, as I shared more and more about what I was learning, we began collaborating and exploring the possibilities inherent in this work. As the first person to receive this approach, Mark provided the insights and feedback that shaped its first incarnation.
As we practiced and refined the approach, the improvements in our lives were undeniable. Our symptoms of trauma were fading, our health issues improving. We were healing, slowly but surely, and life continued to get easier. I was studying the Tarot and its archetypal connection to the unconscious mind. As I listened and followed, my intuition took me deep into the realm of consciousness itself and called me to expand my studies into the areas of Systems Theory, psychic reading, Metaphysics, Quantum Theory, Transpersonal and Esoteric psychology, Psychosynthesis, and Theosophy. I was learning to divine and interpret deeper and deeper dynamics within the psyche and receive guidance on how to resolve them.
Mark and I knew we were on to something important, and the people in our lives were beginning to notice the changes in us. I began working with a select few people, learning more and more from each person’s experience. We could feel the momentum building and we spent another decade practicing, improving and refining the approach that is now called Intuitive Integration.
In the meantime, Mark was deepening his clarity about his own career path. His healing journey had connected him with is passion for physical health and especially the role of food, nutrition, and the ways native plants can support our health both nutritionally and medicinally. He enrolled in the institute of Integrative Nutrition and received his Health Coaching certification in 2022.
After 15 years of development, I was pretty sure the work had become what it was meant to be, but I still had a nagging feeling that there was a faster, more efficient way to work with unresolved trauma. In 2023, while working with a client, I encountered a challenge that couldn’t be overcome in the way I had been working. I was forced to go back to the beginning, question everything, and look at my approach through new eyes.
I can only describe the moments that led to this breakthrough as Divine intervention. In partnership with Divine guidance I was shown an image of the collective psyche; a living system seeking balance and integration and its relationship to universal consciousness as a whole. I had reached a new state of consciousness and, in that state, I could see how it all fit together; an elegant system, a web of interconnected aspects, and its Divine intention to return to wholeness. I was shown a new way of understanding this approach, and I could now accomplish, in only a few sessions, what had previously taken us 15 years of intensive work.
Looking back on our story, Mark and I began to understand just how crucial his support role had been while I was going through my healing process, and in the development of this work. With that realization, Mark found his calling in supporting those who have completed their Intuitive Integration process.
We’re now surrounded by those who are healing and thriving, and we’re on our knees in profound awe, reverence, and gratitude for all that we’ve received. There is no greater gift than the knowledge that the journey we’ve traveled can now ease the journey of others.
We’re deeply grateful to the authors and teachers who helped guide our learning process along the way, and to the friends and learning partners who shared this journey with us and believed in our work. Their presence reminds us, each and every day, that none of us can navigate this path alone. And finally, we’re profoundly grateful to those who gave me their trust and surrendered so fully to this work in the early stages of its development. Your feedback was the lifeblood of our learning process and we’ll be forever grateful for your contributions.
The synchronicities of the universe confound me. Mark and I had no idea our callings were aligned in this way when we first came together. We had to grow along side one another as mirrors; reflecting back to each other the people we were becoming. We hope to be those same mirrors for our clients, that they may see themselves clearly and grow into the calling of their souls.
Thank you for being a witness to our journey.
Ginger and Mark